What if we imagined the whole population of the world as a village of just 100 people?- 61 Asians (21 from China and 17 from India)
- 13 Africans
- 12 Europeans
- 8 from S America, Central America & Caribbean
- 5 from Canada and the USA
- 1 Oceanian
- 52 females; 48 males
- 70 non-whites; 30 whites
- 32 Christians
- 20 Muslims
- 13 Hindus
- 89 heterosexuals; 11 homsexuals
- 59% of the entire world's wealth is in the hands of only 6 pp
- 50 pp live on $2 per day and 25 live on $1 per day
- 15 pp produce more than half of the CO2 emissions
- 25 pp consume more than 75% of the energy
- 18 pp do not have access to nearby clean water
- 40 have no access to adequate sanitation, ie. sewage disposal
- 80 pp live in poor quality housing
- 32 breathe unhealthy polluted air
- 50 pp suffer from malnutrition
- 17 pp are illiterate
- 20 inhabitants control 86% of the GNP and 74% of the telphone lines
- 20 pp have 87% of the vehicles and 84% of the paper in use
- 24 pp do not have electricity
- 9 pp have access to the internet
- only 1 person has a college/university education
- 1 person dies and 3 children are born into the world each year
- the population of the village would be 133 by 2025
If the World Were a Village by David J. Smith sku#2310034
United Nations and World Bank Statistics